Viddy and Jessica

Monday, October 25, 2010

There is a Plan

I've been doing a lot of thinking this past week and I have came to the harsh realization that life is not easy and there are things that will happen that will break our hearts. Yet through it all we can learn to love more than we ever thought possible. Sometimes it is very hard to trust in the Lord's plan for us, because it might not seem fair or it isn't what we wanted. But as we trust in Him, He can and will make us stronger and we can know that He is in charge and there is a plan. I can't say I'm glad to have gone through what I did last week, but I believe Viddy and I will be made stronger for it. There is a plan and just because we don't know why things happen, doesn't mean the Lord doesn't love us. 


  1. Jessica, whatever it is that you guys are going through, just know that we love you and that, yes, the Lord loves you. Life is hard and strange at times, but knowing that life can have good friends like the Harris's and good family and knowing the Lord is good, well some how it's bearable and enjoyable again. <3 <3 <3 =) =) =)

  2. You're a better person than what I will ever be! I don't know how you are so positive. I LOVE YOU!

  3. Jess I loved this post. I hate seeing you two hurting but love the fact that you two realize that God has a plan. Not only realize it but that you understand and have a testimony of it. You two are strong people and will be made stronger through your trials. I am sure that this little baby that you held and loved for two days is eternally grateful for you and David. Wish I was there still to hug you both again. Love you, Momo

  4. Thanks guys. I can only pray that one day that baby will know how much we love him.

  5. You are so strong and have such a great attitude. I know it's been rough but Heavenly Father knew you can handle it and will be greatly blessed when that precious little spirit comes!
