Viddy and Jessica

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three Wonderful Years

Yes I know that I am posting this 15 days late, but three years ago on January 5, 2007 I was married to my best friend. The last three years have been wonderful and I fall more in love with him every day. Thank you Love for being who you are and making me want to be better.

For our anniversary this year we made a trip to Scottsdale and went to dinner at the Roaring Fork. The dinner was really good, but dessert was amazing. It's crazy how someone can take something simple like a banana split, dress it up a little, and create something delicious.

And because everyone needs a little more symmetry in their life...
Viddy has known since we started dating, that I'm the type of person who likes things to be symmetric and even. Well for the past year or so Viddy has working on getting another band for my wedding ring. It wasn't easy since the company we bought it through destroyed the mold, but somehow he was able to get another band. I think it's beautiful!


  1. How sweet! Very nice ring addition! Can't wait to see it in person!

  2. Beautiful ring! I've been wanted a new band for my ring too, (it's gotta be even!) He promised me it will be for our 10th anniversary because for our 5th, this year, we're going to Hawaii

  3. So jealous! Your ring is gorgeous!

  4. Hey, What;s your address?
    Spencer Hansen
