Then (and only then) we put our profile on the webpage and start hoping for a child. At that point we want to be looking for someone who may be willing and in a situation to place a child for adoption. So if any of you hear of anyone (Anywhere in the US or Canada) please let us know.
Once we have found someone (or they have found us) we discuss with them the type of adoption we want (open or closed) and the family services office takes care of all the paperwork.
The child is born and we become it's foster parents until all paperwork is finalized, a court date set and we are again approved by the court system and are granted full custody of the child.
Then we can have him/her sealed to us and give them a baby blessing.
Hopefully this gives you all an idea of what adoption is like and how many places little things can go wrong...Therefore, we would appreciate your prayers as we go through this process. Also, we'd appreciate keeping your ears open to any opportunities for a child.
We love you all and hope you have a wonderful day.
P.S. From now on we won't use the term "give up a child for adoption", but replace that with "placing a child with adoptive parents." We like many others want adoption to be looked upon in a better light and although a mother may be giving many things up the hope is that she is giving the child more.